Nasturtium Seeds
Nasturtium 'Ladybird' is a colorful variety with golden-yellow flowers that have maroon-red blotches.

Ladybird nasturtium is an individual selection from Tom Thumb mix. This compact variety performs well in pots or at the edge of the garden. Also known as Nasturtium 'Tom Thumb Ladybird'.

height 12" spacing 10"

Annual Flower Seeds

Herb Seeds

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Nasturtium 'Alaska Mix'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00 

Nasturtium 'Alaska Mix' is a great choice for season-long interest. The beautiful, variegated cream and green leaves are reason enough to grow it. 

Nasturtium 'Alaska Mix' blooms in shades of red, orange, salmon, cream and gold. The variegated leaves tend to burn in hot weather, so give it a position with afternoon shade.

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Alaska Mix'
Nasturtium Seeds

Nasturtium is a bushy or vining annual with flowers in a wide range of colors. The edible flowers, leaves and seeds have many culinary and medicinal uses.

Sowing Nasturtium Seeds

Sow nasturtium seeds outdoors two weeks before the last frost date. Sow 1" deep and 10" apart. Full sun. Afternoon shade in hot climates. Easy to grow.
Nasturtium 'Dwarf Jewel Mix'
Nasturtium 'Dwarf Jewel Mix'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00            
Nasturtium 'Dwarf Jewel Mix' is a popular selection that blooms in red, orange and yellow. The cheerful flowers light up the herb garden or flower border. 

Nasturtium flowers, leaves and seeds are edible. Try the leaves in salads. The flowers make a beautiful garnish for any dish. Dried seeds can be ground as a pepper substitute. Green seeds can be pickled as a caper substitute. 

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Empress of India'
Nasturtium 'Empress of India'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00

photo by Jack Morthol          
Nasturtium 'Empress of India' has deep scarlet-red flowers that glow against the dark blue-green leaves. The compact plants are perfect for containers and hanging baskets. 

The vivid red flowers of Nasturtium 'Empress of India' attract hummingbirdsbutterflies and beneficial insects.

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Peach Melba'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00            
Nasturtium 'Peach Melba' has creamy yellow flowers with bright red blotches. The blue-green foliage provides a nice backdrop for the delicate flowers. 

Don't fertilize or overwater nasturtiums, or you'll get lots of leaves and few flowers. Nasturtiums tolerate poor soil. They have a long bloom season, and they are easy to grow. Deer resistant.

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Salmon Gleam'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00   
Nasturtium 'Salmon Gleam' is a soft shade of warm, salmon-pink. The flowers bloom well above the blue-green leaves.

I have one complaint about this lovely variety. It is slow-growing and not very floriferous. Compared to other Gleam varieties, the plants are about half the size, and they don't produce many flowers.

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Tom Thumb Mix'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00      
Nasturtium 'Tom Thumb Mix' blooms in a wide range of colors, including dark red, bright red, orange, gold and yellow. The colorful flowers attract butterflies, hummingbirds and beneficial insects.

The dwarf plants are perfect for containers or for filling in the gaps between other plants at the front of the border or herb garden. 

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Yeti'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00   
Nasturtium 'Yeti' is a trailing variety with soft ivory flowers that have a pale yellow throat. The bright green leaves are also attractive. It makes a good cut flower

Nasturtiums were historically grown for their edible flowers and leaves that can be added to soups and salads. The dried seeds can be ground as a pepper substitute. Green seeds can be pickled like capers.

height 3'  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Spitfire'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00   
Nasturtium 'Spitfire' is an heirloom variety from 1897. It's a trailing type with brilliant, scarlet-orange flowers that bloom well above the blue-green leaves. It is stunning on fences and trellises. Or allow it to trail along the ground, weaving in and out of other plants in the cottage garden. Because of the abundance of leaves, flowers and seeds, Spitfire is our favorite nasturtium for culinary and medicinal use.

height 3'  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Mahogany Gleam' 
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00           
Nasturtium 'Mahogany Gleam' has semi-double to double, mahogany-red flowers. It's a gorgeous, deep color.

Nasturtium 'Mahogany Gleam' is a semi-trailing vine. It's beautiful in hanging baskets or spilling over a rock wall. Also known as Nasturtium 'Double Gleam Mahogany'.

height 3'  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Double Gleam Mix'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00   out of stock
Nasturtium 'Double Gleam Mix' has semi-double to double flowers in shades of yellow, gold, orange, red, rose and salmon.

Nasturtium 'Double Gleam Mix' is an All-America Selections winner. It excels on fences and trellises, or trailing through the garden around other plants. Nasturtiums are native to South America.

height 3'  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Whirlybird Mix'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00   
Nasturtium 'Whirlybird Mix' has semi-double flowers that bloom well above the foliage. This beautiful mix includes mahogany, scarlet, cherry-rose, tangerine, peach, gold and cream.

Whirlybird nasturtiums are great for containers, beds and borders. This selection won the RHS Award of Garden Merit. 

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Globe of Fire'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00           
Nasturtium 'Globe of Fire' has fiery orange flowers and blue-green foliage. It's a real standout in beds and containers.

These bold flowers make a lovely garnish for meals. Nasturtiums are the perfect flower for a child's garden. The large seeds are easy to plant. They grow quickly, and they inspire the budding gardener and chef.

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Globe of Fire'
Nasturtium 'Vesuvius' is an heirloom selection from 1908. The warm salmon-apricot flowers bloom above the dark blue-green foliage. 

This lovely nasturtium will add a touch of Victorian charm to your garden. It's a dwarf variety that fits in easily. At the time it was introduced, dwarf varieties were the new fashion.

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Vesuvius'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00           
Nasturtium 'Cherry Rose' has coral-cherry flowers and bright green leaves. The warm, glowing color gives the garden a tropical feel. The flowers are fragrant.

Nasturtium 'Cherry Rose' is a good choice for attracting hummingbirds. It blooms in abundance, and it makes a nice cut flower. Also known as Nasturtium 'Top Flowering Double Cherry Rose'.

height 12"  spacing 10"
Nasturtium 'Cherry Rose'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00           
Nasturtium 'Spitfire'
Nasturtium 'Ladybird'
(Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds   $3.00              
Nasturtium 'Double Gleam'
Nasturtium 'Yeti'
Nasturtium 'Mahogany Gleam'
Nasturtium 'Ladybird'
Nasturtium 'Salmon Gleam'
Nasturtium 'Tom Thumb Mix'
Nasturtium 'Whirlybird'
Nasturtium 'Peach Melba'
Nasturtium 'Vesuvius'