Tomato 'Marianna's Peace' Seeds
Tomato 'Marianna's Peace'
(85 days)

25 seeds   $2.50                

Marianna's Peace tomato is one of the most sought-after heirloom tomatoes. The large, reddish pink fruits weigh 1-2 pounds and have a smooth, creamy texture and a delicious, well-balanced flavor. Unfortunately, it's not very productive. But it's worth growing for the flavor. Potato-leaf foliage.

Tomato 'Marianna's Peace' is a family heirloom dating back to the early 1900's. It was brought to the U.S. by a woman named Marianna who escaped from Czechoslovakia during World War II.

Heirloom Tomato Seeds

Tomato 'Marianna's Peace'