Orange Strawberry Tomato Seeds
Tomato 'Orange Strawberry'
(85 days)

25 seeds  $2.50

Orange Strawberry tomato is one of our favorite yellow-orange tomatoes. The large, heart-shaped fruits weigh up to one pound. The flesh has a remarkably smooth texture, and the flavor is just right - not bland like some yellows, but not tart, either. It is rather late in my zone 5 garden, but reasonably productive once it gets going.

Tomato 'Orange Strawberry' was discovered by Marjorie Morris of Indiana, who grew it from a packet of Pineapple tomato seeds. She named it for the unusual shape and vivid color. First listed in the 1995 SSE Yearbook by Carolyn Male.

Heirloom Tomato Seeds

Tomato 'Orange Strawberry'