Lavatera trimestris Seeds
Lavatera trimestris Mix
(Rose Mallow)

200 seeds   $3.00       

Lavatera trimestris Mix has large, cup-shaped flowers in shades of pink, rose and white. It's a popular cottage garden flower. 

Rose Mallow is often combined with cleome, which matches its cool colors and contrasts with its round form. It also looks good with many other annuals and perennials in the garden.

height 24"

Lavatera trimestris mix
Lavatera trimestris Seeds

Lavatera trimestris (Rose Mallow) is a showy annual that blooms in midsummer with large, cup-shaped flowers in shades of pink, rose and white.

Sowing Lavatera Seeds

Start lavatera seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Or sow outdoors after the last frost. Barely cover with soil. Full sun. Spacing 12".

Lavatera trimestris 'Mont Blanc'
Lavatera trimestris 'Mont Blanc'
(Rose Mallow)

65 seeds   $3.25  
Lavatera trimestris 'Mont Blanc' is an elegant flower. The bushy plants produce lots of large, pure white blooms. It's a Fleuroselect award winner.

Lavatera 'Mont Blanc' goes with practically everything, making it a good filler between large perennials or tall annuals. Once you try it, it may become a mainstay of the annual garden.

height 24"

Lavatera trimiestris 'Silver Cup'
Lavatera trimestris 'Silver Cup'
(Rose Mallow)

100 seeds   $3.25       
Lavatera trimestris 'Silver Cup' has large, glowing pink flowers with deeper rose veins. The prolific flowers cover the bushy, compact plants. The warm pink color works well in warm color schemes. 

Lavatera 'Silver Cup' won the Fleuroselect Gold Medal in 1979. It also gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. 

height 24"

Annual Flower Seeds

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