Lettuce 'Parris Island Cos' Seeds
Lettuce 'Parris Island Cos'
(Romaine, 60 days)

850 seeds   $3.00       

Parris Island Cos has better texture and more sweetness than grocery store Romaine. The uniform, upright plants have beautiful, blanched hearts. The shape of the leaves are great for scooping dips. Moderate bolt resistance.

American heirloom, 1951.​

Sowing Lettuce 'Parris Island Cos' Seeds

Sow lettuce seeds outdoors in early spring. Sow on the surface in very shallow furrows, or cover lightly with soil. Thin to 8" apart. Full sun to part shade. 

Lettuce Seeds

Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Lettuce 'Parris Island Cos'